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Reading Discussion 11

Discussion 11

Q Reading Discussion 11: "Cell One" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Initial post due 4/29; responses due 5/2) By Thursday, May 29, at 11:59PM: 1. Read "Cell One" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. 2. Answer: In this story, we have yet another depiction of a prison. How is the prison in this story different or similar to one in a different story? (You may reference a literal or metaphoric prison from any other reading we've done.) 3. Also answer: In the end, Adichie states, "It would have been so easy for him, my charming brother, to make a sleek drama of his story, but he did not." This making something into a "sleek drama" is also a writerly concern. Does Adichie make the story of this family and character of Nnamabia into a "sleek drama"? Why or why not? 4. Finally, as usual, respond to two others' posts by Sunday, May 2, at 11:59 PM.

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Personal growth or coming of age is an essential theme of this short story “Cell One” by Chimamanda Ngozi. Here Nnamabia is the young boy who has been imprisoned and it is the story of his coming of age experience during his imprisonment phase. It was his stay in the